Monday, February 21, 2011

Killzone 3: Playstation Move Getting Serious

Hey everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed the wonderful weather last week. I know I did! Running, walking, jumping... I couldn't get enough! But anyway, down to serious business. :)

I'll start by saying that I had never heard of the Playstation Move (which is why I picked this article). In this article,  the PlayStation Move is now being deemed as one of the best controllers yet, especially with a first-person shooter game called Killzone 3. The writer of the article liked the game a lot and said that it was "the most immersive, visceral experience you'll find on a console today."

He also had a few complaints and warnings about the game. For example, he said that if you hate dying a lot, do not choose the Normal difficulty settings. Also, one level that is supposed to be a stealth level but you have no warning as to when your stealth is gone. Finally, he was unhappy with the fact that some enemies can kill you in one hit (wouldn't we all be upset? Lol!) 

Despite these few hiccups, he enjoyed the game and he believes that this game with help increase the sales of the PlayStation Move. 

**As my own little side note, I think this game looks pretty sweet and I will definitely be looking into it!

Want to see the source?

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